Sunday, February 26, 2012

Developing Direction

After re-considering my environments last Friday, I have a variation of my direction to pursue but have defined the specifics. I have kept and developed the three chosen emotions that are experienced by individuals that struggle with reading comprehension and illiteracy (Embarrassment, overwhelmed/confused, and victory). Obviously, there are a number of other emotions but I am sticking with these three as core reactions to illiteracy and learning. These will be presented and experienced as PSA environmental graphics in locations that target, not an illiterate crowd, but a literate one--specifically those that should be concerned with it and aren't (most of which fall into the upper to middle social class). These locations will be encountered as separate experiences from one another but will be branded within the project and explained to the viewer at the end of the pre-determined experience. Some locations I have considered include; hospitals, parks, parking garages, mall bathroom halls, gyms, union station or museum location, schools, airports, public libraries, waiting rooms, hallway of theater on the plaza. In addition to this, I want the experiences to be connected in purpose (not location) and began to consider the writing for the explanation of the experience that would also give Literacy KC's information as a contact, help or more information on the subject. This will require me to develop a brand of the experiences as a whole based off of Literacy KC. I am envisioning this to be something like this in the end (obviously it will be quite a bit different but hopefully this gives the idea).


Specifically, here are the directions I am headed in. I will be finalizing the dimensions of the locations and working on the drawings this week.

Embarrassment/Shame = KC Public Library (entrance) + trompe l'oeil + maze + illusions + glass + noise "hints" at direction +

Overwhelmed/Confused = Plaza Theater (hallway) + temperature controlled + uneven floor + gradual incline and dark color +

Victory = Parking Garage Stairwell (@ plaza) + anamorphic type (recognized only from a specific angle) + sound recognition each step (musical scale) +

Steep Stairs:

This will be applied much like this:

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