Thursday, February 2, 2012

Process Documentation: 02

I have decided on 6 causes and 18+ emotions to explore through sketches that will carry me to week 3. These emotions were chosen with thought as possible "answers" for the final environments. My timeline no longer includes 3+ weeks of experimentation and exploration. This wasn't necessary as the project is a continuation of my previous type experiments from typography 4. This allows me to construct my model environments before mid-term and work on the final environment after as well as promotional materials before the final presentation. I have continued to gather research on creating environments and environmental phycology. Although I have definitely learned a lot through this step, I feel like I move further from "graphic design" and more towards architecture (this is not where I want to be with the project). I need to continue to find a way to USE graphic design through the environment. From this point, I need to continue to research materials and technology I can use through the spaces. In addition to this, I will explore (through sketches) before deciding on my final concept. This will depend on the best environmental design concepts paired with the corresponding cause. There must be 3 final emotions + 1 cause to begin next week.

Another aspect of the project that I haven't answered yet asks where these locations are going to be placed in the environment (location, existing built spaces, etc.) I've been considering a few places that could all be found in the U.S. Hospital waiting rooms, airports, bus/train stations, historical landmark sites, office spaces, schools.
Exploration Tests:

Literacy KC (Illiterate Adults)
  1. Embarrassed
  2. Overwhelmed --lines, touching, no space
  3. Uncomfortable --personal space, bad breath, moist, tight
  4. Confused -directional, opposites
Bridge Home for Children (JV)
  1. Defiant
  2. Regret --tunnel, large to small space
  3. Independent --small to large space, one direction/opening out of space
  4. Withdrawn --crowding, density
Mother's Refuge (homeless, pregnant teens)
  1. Desperate --small space vertical lines
  2. Alone --large space, not confined
  3. Ashamed
  4. Hope/future
Natural Disasters
  1. Helpless --moving, isolated
  2. Angry --claustrophobic, illusion
  3. Overwhelmed
  4. Sheltered
Orphanage (HALO)
  1. Confused
  2. Apprehensive
  3. Suspicious
  4. Rejected
  5. Disoriented --optical illusion
  6. Comfort/safety
  1. Misunderstood
  2. Inarticulate
  3. Frustrated --bright lighting, temperature
  4. Communication

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